We are Wisconsin's youth voice for college republicans

Our Mission

The Wisconsin Federation of College Republicans strives to fulfill a mission of guiding conservative youth in our state to their fullest potential. We advocate for the rights of conservative students on our campuses and to never back down on issues important to us. Working with our state government and other elected officials is paramount to the success of our members, as we get as many students involved in campaigns and other facets of government as possible.

In 2023, along with the California College Republicans (CCR), the Wisconsin College Republicans founded the College Republicans of America, a new national federation which strives to give new blood and new ideas to the Republican Party, so that we may do the best for our country in the twenty-first century and beyond.


  • Founded the College Republicans of America National Federation in 2023.

  • Delivered the statewide 18-24 year old vote in 2016 for President Donald Trump 45-43%.

  • Delivered the statewide 18-24 year old vote in 2016 for Senator Ron Johnson 51-42%.